Boswell Surveyors Inc.
Professional Land Surveyors
505 East Davis Street, Burlington, NC 27215 Phone: (336) 227-8723 Email: Surveyor@boswellsurveyors.com
Local Attorneys
Pittman & Steele
Address: 1698 Westbrook Avenue,
Burlington NC 27215
Phone: 336-270-4440 Fax: 336-270-4437
Website: http://www.pittmansteelelaw.com/
Holt, Longest Wall, Blaetz & Mosely, PLLC
Address: 3453 Forestdale Drive,
Burlington NC 27215
Phone: 336-227-7461 Fax: 336-227-9716
Website: http://www.burlingtonnclaw.com/
Oertel, Koonts, & Oertel, PLLC
3493 Forestdale Drive Suite 103,
Burlington NC 27215
Phone: 336-524-0355 Fax: 336-584-3972
Website: http://okolaw.com/
R. Nelson Richardson
207 N. Main Street,
Graham NC 27253
Phone: 336-229-1151
J. Bryan Coleman
343 Maple Avenue,
Burlington NC 27215
Phone: 336-228-1433
Vernon Law
522 S. Lexington Street,
Burlington NC 27215
Phone: 336-227-8851 Fax: 336-226-3866
Website: http://www.vernonlaw.com/home/
Architects and Engineers
Clark Patterson Lee
(Formerly Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates, PA)
328 E. Market Street Suite 200,
Greensboro NC 27401
Phone: 336-373-9800 Fax: 336-373-0077
Website: www.clarkpatterson.com
Plageman Architecture
408 S. Spring Street,
Burlington NC 27215
Phone: 336-226-3933
Website: http://www.plagemanarchitecture.com
The L.E.A.D.S. Group, P.A.
(Land Engineering and Development Services)
505 E. Davis Street,
Burlington NC 27215
Phone: 336-227-8724 Fax: 336-222-9917
Website: http://www.leadsgrouppa.com/
Enviroflo Consultants
Contact: Tommy Dixon
Phone: 336-213-9663
Alamance County Environmental Health Department
Phone: 336-570-6367 Fax: 336-570-6362
Caswell County Environmental Health Department
Phone: 336-694-9731 Fax: 336-694-5547
Chatham Count Environmental Health Department
Phone: 919-542-8208 Fax: 919-542-8288
Guilford County Environmental Health Department
Phone: 336-641-3771
Orange County Environmental Health Department
Phone: 919-245-2360
Rockingham County Environmental Health Department
Phone: 336-342-8140 Fax: 336-342-8356
Local Builders/Contractors
M. L Wilburn Construction
Phone: 336-421-5000
Charles Jones Construction
Phone: 336-449-5553
Hargrove Construction Inc.
Phone: 336-227-9356
Harold L. Fogleman Builders Inc.
Phone: 336-227-5326
McDowell & Jordan
Phone: 336-684-1591
Dodson and Chatman Construction
Phone: 336-229-0539
Foy-Workman Construction, Inc.
Phone: 336-229-7457
Local Municipality Contacts
Alamance County
Phone: 336-570-4052
Caswell County
Phone: 336-694-9731
Chatham County
Phone: 919-542-8204
Guilford County
Phone: 336-641-3334
Orange County
Phone: 919-245-2575
Rockingham County
Phone: 336-342-8134
Cities &Towns
Villlage of Alamance
Phone: 336-226-0033