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Types of Surveys

Boundary Surveys:

      The purpose of a boundary survey is to establish the boundary lines of an existing parcel of land relative to the deed of record, conduct the necessary research, and collect the necessary field data to accurately determine where the boundary lines of your property are located.  Property corners are then found and marked or reestablished if missing and marked.  The results of the boundary survey are presented to you on a Certified Survey drawing which is a graphic representation of the parcel boundaries.  The survey drawing will document any encroachments across your boundary lines, and any other relevant information that may affect your rights to your property.  Information documented on the Certificate of Survey includes, but not limited to:

      - The exact acreage of the parcel.

      - Any encroachments across boundary lines onto the parcel.

      - The location of the survey monuments that we have placed or found at the boundary corners and/or along the boundary lines of the parcels.

      - The parcel description, or statement defining the location of the parcel.

      - A statement signed by the Professional Land Surveyor, certifying your land was surveyed by a       licensed professional.

      A boundary survey can be a useful tool when the location of a boundary line is in dispute, when making an addition to your home or improvement to your property, protecting against the loss of property to an outside party who wishes to gain legal interest in your land and when listing your property for sale.

      For any new construction such as: building, additions, fences, landscape, or driveways we would recommend requesting the property lines to be marked before construction is started.

Location Survey:

      The typical Location Survey is a Boundary Survey except with additional features located.  Often required by a Lending Agency or a Title Insurance Company when purchasing a new home.

         Typical Additional features would consist of:



             Storage Buildings


             Concrete structures 




             Retaining Walls

             Any Permanent Structures 

      Loan or Mortgage Surveys can also be used for planning or design.

Subdivision or Recombination Survey: 

      A subdivision of land begins with the boundary of an existing parcel or parcels of land being surveyed and then divided into smaller tracts.  In the case of a recombination of land the boundary lines between the parcels could be moved to exchange different portions of land between land owners.  In the case of a subdivision or recombination approval from the local municipality is required.  Each local municipality is different and typically has its own rules and regulations regarding a subdivision.  There are also additional fees required when subdividing property.  Municipality typically require fees to review subdivision plans and record the subdivision map.





               Right of Way Dedication

Topographic Survey

      Topographic Surveys are used to identify and map the contours of the ground and existing features on the surface of the earth on a particular parcel of land.  Existing features could include trees, buildings, streets, walkways, manholes, utility poles, retaining walls, water courses, roads, ditches, utilities, etc.  Typically topographic surveys are used by Engineers or Architects for sight developments such as residential and commercial sites, subdivisions, roads, bridges, etc. 

Commercial Construction

      The land surveyor takes the engineers or architects design and places their correct location on the ground so the construction sub-contractors can grade and construct the buildings, roads, fences, utilities, and other structures in their correct location.  Construction staking may consist of rough grade staking to map the general location on improvements at a site, or precise construction staking for actual construction purposes.

Residential Construction Stakeout

    Residential construction consist of multiple phases of work:

          Site Plan:

            Boundary survey with proposed house location.

          Foundation Stakeout:

            Stake house plan on ground at proposed location to dig the foundation.

          Brick Points:

            Stake steel nails on concrete footing for brick mason to lay the brick foundation.

          As-built Survey:

            Showing the final location of the newly constructed foundation which is required by most                   lending agencies.

    This work is usually done in a package deal if we complete the work from start to finish.


      An ALTA Survey is a survey prepared by a licensed surveyor in accordance with detailed standards adopted by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping (ACSM).  An ALTA Survey maps the property's boundaries, the location of the improvements on the property including buildings and all other features that may be on the property at the time of the survey.  The location of all easements such as access and utility easements recorded against the property are also shown on the final map.

For commercial real estate, title companies typically require an ALTA Survey before they will commit to issue title insurance covering the following "Survey Risk:" (1) encroachments, boundary line disputes, or other matters or circumstances that would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property; and (2) easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records.  In some states, and for certain property types, a less detailed (and less expensive) form of survey, such as an improvement location certificate may suffice to obtain title insurance coverage for Survey Risk.

As-Built Survey

      The purpose of the As-Built Survey is to show the property "as it is built" at a particular point in time. While a pre-construction survey is performed to document conditions prior to construction work being performed, the As-Built Survey is conducted to show the current state of the site at various stages throughout the duration of a project.  It also serves as a close-out document to verify that the work authorized was completed according to plans and if complied with all relevant standards and regulations.

Elevation Certificate

     A flood elevation certificate is prepared by a licensed surveyor or engineer and includes             comprehensive information relative to a property's elevation to determine if it is below or above the base flood elevation.  The data helps to suitably rate flood-properties for flood insurance eligibility. 

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